We released our first CDRom in spring of 1997 “Learn to Sail! with Multimedia!” which has sold over 40,000 units. We designed and launched our first website then.
Linda Cullum, CEO recalls the launching of the website: “In the 2 years I was developing Learn to Sail there was only AOL and Compuserve with phone dial up available for online access and community. It was 4th of July 1996 and one of my programmers had launched a self website on AOL and told me about it. So I jumped right in and by the end of the day had our 1st website completed. It had the longest url (web address) Like http://www.aol.com/members/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX&&&&&***&(((( ** you get the gist! Domain names weren’t happening yet. But I was so thrilled to have our product out there displayed in cyber space! It reminded me of ham radio!”
Course things have really changed since then! And since then we have developed and launched many websites for many people and businesses.
We have also released a Coastal Navigation CD, Sailing instruction apps and an eBook on the History of the Pilgrims.
We value our work and customers and strive to do our best for success!
Give us a call or drop an email!
Little Pines Multimedia, W Dennis MA, ph 508-430-1770 LittlePinesMM@gmail.com